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Online Communities

The Mina community has many online groups where you can connect with other Mina enthusiasts, node operators, zkApp developers, and more. Come join us!


The Mina Protocol Discord is the most popular place where Mina enthusiasts and technical contributors gather. Some popular channels are listed below, but many more channels exist, so explore the server to find one that fits your interest.

#announcements — to follow announcements

#zkapps-general — to ask general questions about zkApps, how to use a zkApp, etc.

#zkapps-developers — to meet other developers building zkApps with SnarkyJS

#mentor-nodes — to get help from the community on setting up and running nodes

#mainnet-block-producer — to meet other node operators and block producers

#grants — to discuss grant opportunities

Discussion Forums

Mina Research Forums

Mina on Github Discussions — to discuss new Mina releases

Social Media

Twitter - @minaprotocol

Telegram - @minaprotocol

Telegram - @MinaProtocolOfficialNews (Announcements Only)

Reddit - /r/minaprotocol


YouTube - Mina Foundation

YouTube - Evan Shapiro, CEO of Mina Foundation

YouTube - O(1) Labs


Medium - @minaprotocol

Medium - @o1labs